Coordinator in WHO's department of Health Statistics and Informatics, Carla Abou-Zahr, says there are a whole range of issues that hold countries back. 世卫组织健康统计暨资讯部门协调员阿布-察尔表示,有很多问题使一些国家停滞不前。
The city's wealth gap now outstrips that of Singapore, the United Kingdom and Australia as well as other major cities notorious for inequality such as Washington and New York City, says the Hong Kong's Census and Statistics Department. 香港政府统计处(CensusandStatisticsDepartment)表示,香港目前的贫富差距水平已经超过了新加坡、英国和澳大利亚,甚至超过了其他因贫富差距大而闻名的城市,如华盛顿和纽约。
The article also cited Wang Wenbo, deputy director of the Department of Comprehensive Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, who said that China is still facing huge inflation pressure. 文章也称,国家统计局综合统计部副主任王说,中国仍然面临着巨大的通货膨胀压力。
Energetic support from the department of national accounts of National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS) has been got for developing geGDP accounting in Chongqing Statistical Bureau. 重庆市统计局决定开展绿色GDP核算的课题研究,得到了国家统计局核算司的大力支持。
Lin Lee-jen, director of the department of statistics, said exports to China had improved mainly because China's economic stimulus plan was spurring domestic demand. 台湾财政部统计长林丽贞表示,对大陆的出口出现增长,主要是由于大陆的经济刺激计划提振了内需。
According to the latest Department of Labor Statistics minorities are not fairly represented. 根据最新的劳动部门统计显示少数民族没有得到公平的发展机会。
Department of Statistics, Yunnan University; 云南大学统计系;
Analysts from the Department's Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( BTS) will weight and seasonally adjust the data to allow monthly and year to year comparisons. 运输统计局的分析家将适当调整数据以便进行月度和年度间的比较。
Department of Statistics, Management School of Fudan University; 复旦大学管理学院统计学系;
Financial department staff Xiao Li wants to get off work early due to family emergency, but there are some mistakes of statistics in sales report, making Xiao Li increasingly annoyed. 财务部小李家里有急事想早点下班,可是,销售报告中有一些统计错误,小李越来越烦。
The set of economic indices started by singapore's Department of statistics in the mid-1990s has been instrumental in detecting structural changes in the economy while the country is growing in strength as a regional and global financial hub. 新加坡统计局从90年代中期便开始设定新的指标,在新加坡成为越来越重要的区域和环球金融中心时,能更容易探测经济的结构性改变。
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 香港大学统计与精算学系,香港;
The State Department countered the accusation with a lizard of statistics purporting to show improvement. 国务院用自称能说明工作改进的数据驳斥指责。
Attention also should be paid to the harmony of department statistics and professional statistics, the combination of official and unofficial statistics, as well as the building and perfection of periodical statistic survey methods and system of enterprises of service sector. 可以官方统计与非官方统计相结合;要建立和完善服务业企业经常性统计调查方法制度。
SETTING: The Emergency Department of Beijing Hospital, Emergency Department of Tongji Hospital, Pathology Department and Experimental Animal Center of Tongji Medical College, and Health Statistics Department of Public Health College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 单位:卫生部北京医院急诊科、华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院急诊科、华中科技大学同济医学院的病理学教研室、实验动物中心和公共卫生学院卫生统计学教研室。
The Human Resources Information Management System that this thesis has studied is a system that aims at function department of the army completing inquiry, modification and comprehensive statistics of the human resources information. 本文研究的人力资源信息管理系统是一个旨在为军队职能部门完成人力资源信息的维护、查询、修改和综合统计的系统。
Thus, in our country, the concept, sports industry, has begun to be adopted in the department of statistics and sports management, economics and sports science, even the practical operators. 因而,体育产业这一概念开始在我国统计部门和体育管理部门及经济学、体育科学及体育工作者中广泛采用。
This paper synthetically analyses curriculum set, teacher's level and student's study score, athletic attainment, employment situation according to the present situation of department of Chinese Traditional Sports in Shenyang Physical Education Institute by means of questionnaire, mathematical statistics and comparison research. 立足于沈阳体育学院民族传统体育系的现状,采用问卷法、数理统计法和对比研究法对其课程设置、师资水平以及学生的学习成绩、运动成绩、就业情况等方面进行综合分析研究。
Since the Department of Statistics is part of the government, and statistics is government behaviour, it is essential to keep statistics in line with the current international rules and the requirement of establishing service-oriented society. 统计部门既然是政府的组成部门之一,统计行为是政府行为,因此,政府统计必须与通行的国际统计规范接轨,与建设服务型政府的要求相接轨。
Although Department of Agriculture statistics shew that demand of insecticides declined slightly of the national pesticides, the demand of Isofenphos-methyl increased significantly. 虽然据农业部门统计全国农药需求量中杀虫剂略有下降,但对甲基异柳磷的需求却逐年增加。
For example the vehicle files, vehicle service and data; vehicle repair, maintenance and so on, are currently used by hand, Department of statistics and information integrity, it will greatly reduce the efficiency of work. 比如说车辆档案情况、车辆服役等情况的数据;车辆的维修、保养等,目前都使用手工完成,统计信息部完整,这样会大大降低工作效率。
Including the establishment of the absolute power of the Environmental Protection Department in environmental management, setting up a "Rural Environment Division," vertical management of environmental protection institutions, strengthening grass-roots institution-building in environmental management and environmental monitoring and rural statistics system job, and so on. 具体包括确立环境保护部在环境管理中的绝对权力、设立农村环境司、环保机构实行垂直管理、加强基层环境管理机构建设、加强农村环境监测和统计工作体系建设,等。